Minkpink Wool Biker Jacket * / Pussycat Pleated Shirt Dress * / Topshop Boots / Balenciaga City
It feels like it’s officially turned to winter, the clocks have gone back for daylight savings & it’s now pitch black by 5:30pm. A little depressing, but I actually love this time of year. Wrapping up, frosty mornings, hot comfort food & curling up by the fire. It’s definitely the worst time to be a fashion blogger though, when there are barely a few hours of daylight left at the end of the day to shoot in. Despite this, I love the way the lighting turned out in these photos, everything just looks so much nicer during the twilight hours.
My obsession for shirt dresses is showing no signs of disappearing just yet, and this newest addition to my collection from Pussycat has been worn to death already. I love messy, crinkly pleats like this and yet I don’t really own many pleated pieces at all, so I’ve been enjoying playing around with this new texture. Paired with my trusty Minkpink biker, I feel a little like a more grownup version of myself as a schoolgirl here, with my pleated skirt, shirt & heavy wool coat. All I’m missing is a thick, baggy jumper!
Lauren says
Love your jacket, I’ve got one like it from French connection I loved but unfortunately wore to death :(
Hannah says
Love this dress on you Steph, I’ve never been able to think of a way that I could wear a pleated skirt and not look ridiculous, but you’ve styled it perfectly! I may have to rethink my own pleated skirt situation. I love this time of year too, though I don’t like closing up shop in the dark by myself – I’m a wimp! xxx
Glad it’s given you some inspiration! :) Oh no, I’d hate that too! You’re not a wimp, there are scary people about!
Sonia says
That jacket, ma god! GORGEOUS! And MinkPink! Oh em gee! It’s getting lighter on this side of the world which is very creepy for some reason, I’m still not used to nor accepting of the incoming summer. I just want to curl up next to a fire, eat glutinous Chinese and listen to the rain. Whaaaa!
Haha! We always want the opposite of what we have, don’t worry, soon I shall be moaning about how cold it is & wishing we had some of your sun! ;)
Tara says
I can’t wait to start wrapping up Xmas presents, not so much layering up but that’s always fun too! ;) It really is the worst time to be a fashion blogger, I wish I had an indoor studio…
You have such a knack for picking an affordable item of clothing and making it look really expensive. The pleats are really sweet, I love it paired with your trusty MP jacket. :) <3
Hah! Oh no, pretty much the only thing I dislike about winter is Xmas, but mostly just because I always leave it till the last minute & then get super stressed! I really should learn!
Tell me about it! An indoor studio or even just a nice plain white wall would make it soo much easier! And thankyou, that’s an awesome compliment! :D
Victoria says
I know the winter has arrive :S it has been such a great summer that I can’t complain :) Love the jacket the zip colour is really cool and your hair is looking sooo long and lovely :) You look like snow white Gothic princess lol
Hehe! Thanks Victoria! :) I agree, the summer was a good one, so now it’s nice to have a change of scenery :)
miranda says
I do love all of these pieces, so when you put them together… It is an instant hit!
jamie-lee says
Haha I’ve been dressing like a schoolgirl lately, mostly I think because I’m in study mode. Loving the black on black – winter is the hardest time of year to take photos though, don’t you think?
Yes! I always find myself subconsciously dressing a certain way when I’m doing certain things. I’ve been watching a lot of the new American Horror Story recently & keep finding myself dressing very witchy without realising! And yeah, winter is definitely a pain for photos, if only I had somewhere nice indoors!
daniela says
cool look!
Laura says
urgh yes, I can only take photos on weekends now (not happy about that) but I also like Winter, especially after the proper Summer we had this year.
I’m sure also Niko enjoys Winter temperatures.
I like pleats, but now that I think about it, I only have 2 pleated maxi skirts…
Blog: http://unspeakablethoughtsunspoken.blogspot.com
Shop: http://unspeakablethoughtsunspoken.tictail.com
Yeah, it’s the same for me too, there’s just no light left by the time I have chance to on weekdays! Nico loves the winter, I hope it snows again for him this year :)
Berty Morales says
That is a great pleated skirt, and it looks amazing on you. Also in love with that jacket and booties.
steph says
i don’t mind so much that time of the year but less daylight can definitely be hard for a blogger! i’ve always wanted to wake up early to take pictures in the morning but that never happened, haha. i think i’d look too much of a schoolgirl in a pleated skirt but somehow you manage to make it look sophisticated!
Kylie says
Ooo I love your girly pleated skirt with the tough pieces. You are the queen of contradiction :) Yes such a shame as I much prefer A/W fashion, but I just can’t be bothered to take photos in the wind and cold. Plus its harder when Luke comes home at 7 :( x
ivette says
loving all the black I’m seeing here.. cool style!