Catarzi Fedora / Barneys Originals Drape Leather Jacket / ASOS Waterfall Cardigan / Young Hearts Obsidian Arrowhead Necklace /
Meltin’ Pot B-Side Jeans * / Kurt Geiger Wedges / Balenciaga City
Remember my outfit from a few weeks ago when I got all excited about the fact the Meltin’ Pot jeans I was wearing were reversible? Well, this is the inside of them! Plain black & unassuming on the outside, but turn them inside out & it’s a completely different story. A lot of the other pairs available have a much more dramatic reverse, but I love that the print on these is quite subtle, letting them slot effortlessly into my wardrobe & I would wear them equally as much this way as I would the plain black side. As I mentioned before, the craftsmanship is beautiful & there is absolutely nothing to suggest that this side is technically the wrong side. They are a premium, well crafted pair of jeans which ever way you wear them, truly reversible & I think that’s quite an achievement.
The fedora is still permanently fixed to my head, it just seems to give every outfit a little extra something when I put it on, it seems to finish it off – the cherry on top, if you will & it’s a little addictive. I know a few of you asked about it last time I wore it, and they were totally sold out, but it is now back in stock & in a few different colours too – here! I’m quite tempted by the grey & the burgundy versions.
One of my favourite things to do when I’m bored is browse Etsy for jewellery, homewear & other random things. This perfect little obsidian arrowhead necklace is my latest favourite find, perfectly simple & feels like it has a bit of history too. I’ve been wearing it layered up with my lion claw necklace a lot, and now I’m craving more similar pieces so I can hang a huge cluster of claws, teeth, rocks & crystals around my neck. The one downside is that it’s incredibly sharp, so I’ve had to be careful not to wear it over any delicate fabrics. I must admit though, it does make me feel quite a bit safer wearing it whilst walking Nico alone at night!