Catarzi Fedora / Pussycat Shirt Dress * / Dynasty Jewellery Monarch Studs * / Nica ‘Pheobe’ Bag * / Vivienne Westwood Animal Toe Shoes
You may have seen me moaning on Twitter about my poorly ankle, I’ve torn some ligaments in it after falling down a step funny when playing with Nico, so I’ve been house bound for the past week or so unable to walk properly on it. That won’t be much of a surprise if you’ve ever met me, as you’ve probably witnessed my clumsyness first hand, I swear I could trip over an eyelash! I finally hobbled out yesterday in my comfiest shoes & spent the whole time doing even more moaning about how much it hurt! The hospital told me 4-6 weeks for it to be back to normal, but hopefully it’ll be feeling better soon, as I have a really busy few days towards the end of the week.
I was obsessing over the Nica bags at their press day earlier this year because the little curled up fox hardware reminded me so much of Nico, he even sleeps curled up in a ball like that too. The lovely girls there very kindly sent me my own in black a little while ago & made me a very happy dog lady! It’s the perfect size for when you don’t need to carry much. I wore it a few days ago when I was walking Nico & another lady with a Bull Terrier pointed it out & told me she couldn’t resist buying things that reminded me of her dog either! At least I’m not the only one!