S.Y.L.K Bandage Dress / Wildfox Spike Ring / Zoe Karssen Tee / A.F Vandevorst Draped Jacket
ASOS Spike Necklace / Just Female Ombre Jeans / AllSaints Biker Boots / French Connection Stud Earrings / Kiomi Leather Trim Skirt
& Other Stories Wedges / Topshop Scuba Skater Dress / Lost & Found Double Wrap Belt / AllSaints Ponyhair Purse
There’s nothing worse than when sale season comes around & you can’t buy anything, because you’re supposed to be saving. That doesn’t mean I’ve not been window shopping though, and I think I may be able to justify a few of the really cheap things on my list, or the staples that are at too good to pass up kind of prices.
You may remember that Topshop skater dress from a previous wishlist, I never did get around to buying it & I’m still a little obsessed with it’s minimal oriental feel. It’s now down to a tiny £15, and I think that’s justifiable, right?! The same with the ombre jeans & the bandage dress too, both were in & out of my shopping basket more times than I can count over the past month or so. I really shouldn’t, but I feel like at those prices it’d be silly not to take advantage, especially when I know how much I’d wear them.
The one thing I really wish I could justify is the A.F Vandevorst draped jacket, I’ve had my eye on it for months & now it’s at 50% off, right when I could (but really, really shouldn’t) get it. FarFetch is further taunting me by showing there are just 2 left, both in my size, and it’s taking all of my willpower to not just hit checkout. Whilst it might be something I could consider a staple, and the cost-per-wear would make it a total steal, I have to be serious & just admit somethings are more important. I’ll still keep torturing myself watching that page though, hoping that just maybe one might still be left when I can hit checkout without feeling guilty.