Last Friday was Nico’s 2nd birthday! I can’t believe I’ve had him for 2 years already now, it’s absolutely flown by, and yet at the same time I feel like he’s been in my life forever. He is my constant shadow, always keeping an eye on me & making me laugh every single day, I don’t feel even slightly embarrassed to say he is my very best friend.
As usual, he got spoilt rotten to celebrate. I made him some special treats, a little birthday cake (he even got sprinkles this time!), his favourite dinner (chicken, gravy & pasta) plus an extra long walk after & lots of cuddles on the sofa. It’s not weird to celebrate your dogs birthday is it?! They’re family, right? Please tell me it’s not just me…
I debated whether I should do another birthday post, or if maybe I’m becoming a bit too much of a crazy dog lady (I definitely am, and to be honest, I really don’t care!) But, I think Nico is as much a part of this blog as I am, those of you who’ve been reading for a while now have watched him grow up through his appearances in my outfit posts & I thought it would be a nice little tradition to give him a post each year to celebrate.
So, like last year, a little montage of a year of Nico from 1 – 2 years old…

You can see his 1st Birthday & his puppy pictures – here!