It’s been a crazy month packed full of adventures since we last spoke, and I’m so excited to finally share them all with you. Since I started this blog 5 years ago this has been the longest break I have ever taken, and although I can’t wait to get stuck back in, I was definitely in need of the break!
It was so nice to unplug for a while and I feel like it’s done me a lot of good to be a bit disconnected. I’m going to try to keep this up on a smaller scale now that I’m home too, with mini breaks here and there. I don’t think you truly realise just how much time you mindlessly spend online until you can’t even refresh Instagram unless you can find free WiFi and you find yourself getting a little twitchy!
There are so many photos to sort through and things I can’t wait to tell you all about! I’ll be spreading the travel posts out, so that hopefully it’ll be a nice mixture of travel and the usual outfits and fashion related stuff you’ve come to expect.
Sophie says
Welcome back, lovely!
I also think it takes to lose something for a while to know its value, and I really missed your lovely posts while you were on holiday. Although I can’t wait to see some photos you have to share of what already looks like a magical experience for you. You deserved it! Perhaps just go on holiday at least once a year to some gorgeous place and vow to unplug and recharge. <3
vivien_noir says
so good to have you back! I kept coming here almost every day :)