For Strange Women Natural Perfume Oil & Solid Perfume Samples
Scent is something that I’ve been growing more and more obsessed with lately, from perfumes to candles and aromatherapy room fragrances. I’ve gone from having one real signature scent to a whole collection that I can choose from depending on my mood. As I’ve been growing my collection I also started to seek out more independents in these areas, and there are so many wonderful ones out there. I think especially with something as personal as this it’s nice to have something more unique and special, that you’ll find far less people wearing.
For Strange Women has been on my radar for a little while now, I’d been meaning to order some samples to test out for the longest time but the problem was every single one sounded so good that I just couldn’t decide which to choose! I eventually emailed creator Jill asking for her advice to help my indecisive mind. I told her the types of scents I love (gourmand, woody florals, spicy, warm and unisex) and those I dislike (overly citrusy or clean), and asked her if she could choose me a selection she thought I’d like. She was so helpful and got it absolutely spot on too, I loved them all and each one is gorgeous in its own right. All of For Strange Women’s perfumes are also handmade made from only natural ingredients, using the finest quality botanical essences, they are ethically sourced and cruelty free too.
The thing I love most about these perfumes is that they are so much more than just a fragrance. As I opened each one up they evoked memories of seaside walks, crunching through leaves in damp autumn forests and winters by the fire. Scent is such a powerful tool for unlocking past memories and with many of these I felt transported, as if I was right back there at an oddly specific point in my past for a brief instant. The sounds, the sights and the conversations had, like I could almost taste the piping hot tea I was sipping back then and feel the salty sea wind and raindrops on my skin.
I wanted to test each of these out a few times to really see which ones I enjoyed most. As with good perfumes, each melds with your own body chemistry and so evolves into a fragrance that is truly unique to you as you wear it. My initial favourites were Coyote, Fossil and Astral Projection (I’ve been using this one to help me fall asleep as it’s so incredibly relaxing and it seems to give me highly vivid dreams too) but as I’ve worn each, Winter Kitty and November In The Temperate Deciduous Forest have become firm favourites too. Jill does a wonderful job of describing the scent of each, much better than I ever could, so check them out if you’re curious. Now I just need to decide which of those to buy first.
thehautecookie says
oooh cool photos! xO!
vivien_noir says
I instantly fell in love! I spontaneously wanted to order Astral Projection, Antique Settee and Sand Dollar, but as they added 10,00 € of shipping fee to the 14,45 € sample set price, I had to dismiss the idea :(
Sadly, it was the same with LVNEA, Scodioli Fragrances, Bonefeathers and FabledFragrances. Seems like no Austrian or German parfumeur creates such goodness!