Catarzi Fedora / OASAP Lace Sleeve Dress * / Sara Gunn Horizontal Bone Necklace * / Young Hearts Gold Dipped Quartz Necklace * /
Kurt Geiger Wedges / Balenciaga City Bag
As I was uploading these photos I realised how similar they were to my last outfit post, I guess I’m really into the fedora & lace lately! I mean, if people are going to shout ‘witch!’ at me every time I wear this hat out I may as well have some fun & dress like one, right?!
I love the way this dress looks when I put it on & look in the mirror, but it’s one of those outfits that once it’s frozen in a photo it just looks like a shapeless, unflattering blob – queue cheesy hand on hip pose to give it a little shape! It’s not a huge surprise, it was pretty cheap, and it’s not the best made thing in the world or the greatest fabric, but I just can’t help but like it. I’ll probably make myself a better version of it at some point, as it’s such a nice summery dress & there’s something so satisfying about swishing huge lace sleeves around!
I’ve been wearing a lot of silver jewellery lately, but this wonderful bone necklace by Sara Gunn is my latest obsession & has swayed me back to the gold side! It’s pleasingly chunky & weighty, the perfect size to be both casual & statement, and it has all the wonderful little organic details of the real bone it was cast from perfectly preserved. Based in London, Sara’s work draws on the urban landscape, gritty London streets & microscopic details within the body for inspiration. All pieces are handmade by Sara in her studio, often in limited production runs & using organic processes such as acid etching, creating a large degree of variation & uniqueness amongst each of the pieces. She believes jewellery should be as individual as the wearer and that definitely comes through in her work.
I discovered her work through JewelStreet, an online marketplace specialising in professional jewellery which stocks a huge amount of independents from all over the world, alongside the usual brands you’d expect. I’ve since spent hours browsing & have found heaps of new brands to covet, plus when making purchases they come directly from the designers meaning they get a much larger cut of the profit, something I can definitely get behind.
Tara says
Eeeep, the sleeves on this dress are so beautiful! I always love the jewellery you pick, this bone necklace is so gothic and so Steph!
Charlie says
The sleeves are very SJP in Hocus Pocus – not meaning to shout ‘Witch!’ too loudly ;)
Laura Morrigan says
Love the witchy look! I can’t wait for winter so I can layer up!
Susan Dollparts says
looove this! The dress is so pretty and so is all the jewellery! xx
dresses-and-travels //@susandollparts
jenny says
Wow I just love everything about this outfit, especially the necklace and how well it stands out against the black dress <3
http://www.krystelcouture.com ♥
Ramona says
that dress really suits you i dont think it looks like a black blop in picture XD <3
Lauren says
Hand on hip may be cheesed, it is needed sometimes to show off the outfit properly. Love the bone necklace
Agoprime says
Maria says
Beautiful outfit, I love the sleeves on this dress and the necklace is gorgeous!
Maria xxx
Maddie says
You always manage to find the best and most unique jewelry! I really love that bone necklace & even though I 99% of the time will choose silver over gold, I would definitely make an exception for this necklace!
This is a really great outfit, I love the mystical and magic feeling behind it! :)