AllSaints ‘Flora’ Dress / Religion Printed Chiffon Dress / Religion ‘Morte’ Sweatshirt /
Reiss Leather Wrap Skirt / Skin by Finsk ‘Ari’ Ponyhair Heels / Topshop Satin Duster Jacket /
Miista Distressed Silver Boots / ASOS Quilted Clutch
I’ve spent far too much money this year already. I expected the sales to be a bit rubbish like they have been for the past few years & I didn’t bother saving any money for them, spending it on sensible things & basics instead. So of course when they finally dropped, they were better than ever & I wanted to buy everything! I couldn’t help but let myself off with a few extra purchases, I’m both happy for my wardrobe & sad for my bank account.
These are a few of my picks of things I wish I’d saved some cash for, mostly, I did give in & buy myself the bone printed ‘Morte’ sweatshirt from Religion. You know I can’t resist an anatomical print, and I’m justifying it by the fact I did need some warmer layers. Religion have become a really strong brand over the last year or so I think, there are so many pieces I’ve found myself coveting (and buying!) & though I’m not usually the greatest print fan, I would love to add more of theirs to my wardrobe. How beautiful is the fractured, branched print on the chiffon t-shirt dress?
A couple of these things I’ve had my eye on for a while, and I’m gutted I can’t take advantage now they’re super discounted. The draped AllSaints floral dress, I love how the splotchy print accents the drape & the buttery leather wrap skirt from Reiss, are the main ones. I’ve also wanted those distressed silver Miista ankle boots since I saw them at Fashion Weekend, thankfully there aren’t any left in my size or I’d probably end up dipping into my savings!
Tara O says
Gosh, I love each and every one of these! Especially that printed dress. Wowza. I ordered 2 quality white t-shirts to go with my camel coat last night… I’m a reformed shopper. ;)
Holly says
I was lusting after the all saints dress too – but having treated myself to a leather coat in their sales (my poor, poor bank account) I am banned from any more! Good job it sold out in my size!
winnie says
The religion sweatshirt is perfection! I haven’t even visited their website on the quest for some bargain-sale-window shopping. Luckily for my bank balance, i’ve been awesome at filling a basket full of goodies and then exiting the tab and not spending any money. Wonder how long that will last!
Susan Dollparts says
OH MY GOD. the maxi dress is SO perfect. love the other one as well. wish I wasn´t as broke all the time :D
dresses-and-travels //@susandollparts
steph / absolutelyfu says
mmm that maxi dress! the print is really quite stunning – but i know what you mean about the sales.. i’m trying not to look!
June says
Fantastic selections Steph! Happy new year
June Wants It All
Corinne says
I absolutely loved the All Saints Flora dress and was going to buy it when they were also doing 20% off. I was so heartbroken to find out they did not have my size left!