We’re taking a short break over the next week for the holidays & will be back in the New Year with lots of fresh content. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas & New Year, and that you get everything you wished for!
I also just wanted to use this as an opportunity to say thankyou to all of you who continue to read, comment, send me lovely emails & chat with me on social media, it still amazes me what this blog has grown into & it would not be possible without you guys. I know some of you have been here right since the beginning & that fills me with warm fuzziness. I appreciate you all & your support more than you know.
If you guys have any suggestions of things you like to see more of around here, things you don’t like & would like to see less of, or suggestions for new posts, please drop me an email or a quick tweet, I’d love to hear your input! I’m thinking of reinstating the old inspiration & playlist posts, and maybe adding a little more lifestyle too, as these are things that have been mentioned to me quite a bit recently. Let me know what you think!
Happy holidays & see you all in the New Year!