H&M Asymmetric Shirt / Libertine by Giles Deacon Thorn Ring / Hush Pom Pom Beanie / Peachoo + Krejberg Waterfall Cardigan /
2nd Day Snake Print Leather Trousers / H&M Draped Dress / Marion Ayonote ‘Conqueror’ Heels
I’ve spent the last week or so buried under fabric samples trying to decide on the final fabrics for the new jersey pieces for the store, so sorry for my little disappearing act recently. I’ll be able to show you guys the new pieces come October!
With the start of September I’ve been mentally making lists of pieces I need, or just want, for the coming seasons. The only problem now is that after a cold week where I was sure summer had come to an end, this week the sun is out again, the temperature is picking up & it’s too warm again to wear half of the new things I’ve brought! You can never win with our annoying British weather!
Lately H&M have really been impressing me with their clothing, both the draped dress & the asymmetric shirt are from there & are very reasonably priced. I’m waiting on my parcel containing both, so I’m hoping the fabrics are of an acceptable quality (I usually find H&M pretty decent for fabrics considering the cheap prices) & I’ll be able to show you them soon. I’ve also been wearing, and buying a lot more jewellery lately & the Giles Deacon thorn ring is my latest addition. I couldn’t pass it up so heavily discounted at ASOS though, it was £8 & just as beautiful in person – there are still a few left too!
Tara says
Looking forward to seeing your new jersey pieces! I love those skinnies.
she says
Love this stuff!
Maddie says
I know what you mean about the weather- it has been the same in Latvia! I had already picked out my fall boots and jackets & tartan shirts, but lately the temperature has been up to +25C, so I am wearing light skirts and sandals again! :D
You also have to get those leggings, I think that they could be a really great statement piece thanks to that print!
And I cannot wait to see your outfit posts with the items from H&M!
Susan Dollparts says
I looove that draped dress and the assymetric blouse. would look perfect on you as well, kinda classy with an edgy twist :)
Hellen says
Love those H&M pieces, the dress in particular – hopefully they’ll get it back in stock in my size.
How have you found H&M online shop? I heard they were pretty unreliable and that’s always put me off ordering anything…
Maria says
That draped dress is beautiful!
Maria xxx
Shawna says
I have the asymmetrical H&M shirt. We can match ;-;
I really love it (the only issue I have is that it gets super wrinkly, and I am too lazy to iron).
Lauren says
The weather is causing me problems, every morning it’s freezing when I leave for work and then it’s lovely by lunchtime. Very excited about your new pieces. Also live those leather trousers, I’m definitely getting a pair this winter
Daisy says
I really like the look of that dress!