FAIIINT Cropped Leather Jacket / Helmut Lang Tee * / River Island Asymmetric Skirt / Kasun Vampire Heart Necklace * /
Kasun Vampire Claw Ring * / Skin by Finsk Laced Wedges / Balenciaga City
Sorry for being MIA over the last week, things have been a little busy & with Ollie away shooting festivals for most of the summer it’s been kinda awkward to get any outfit photos taken. I’m considering getting myself a smaller DSLR for times like this, so I can still get things up, especially now I’m starting to get to grips with the super old one I was leant to learn with & actually started to quite enjoy using!
The weather currently can’t make up it’s mind about whether it’s summer or not, I went out in the morning wearing this with tights & the jacket, and was actually cold, but come mid-afternoon it was so warm I had to take them both off! I’m not complaining though, it’s nice to be able to finally get a little wear out of this new version of my cropped jacket, as I was too scared to wear it out until we’d shot the product images of it for the store – I’m the clumsiest person in the world, so I knew it had to stay in storage until I’d done everything I needed it for first! This new version has been tweaked a little from the older one that you’ve seen here before, with softer more slouchy leather, a refined collar shape & super soft viscose lining.
A while ago I mentioned Kasun & their latest ‘God Loves Fangs’ collection in one of my coveted brand posts, I finally got to see the pieces up close at the Thor & Wistle store party a few weeks ago & I can honestly say the pieces are even more stunning in person. The vampire heart necklace was my favourite piece from the lookbook, and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it! The little dagger set with onyx is removable & can be worn dangling down or pierced through the heart, I love pieces which can be worn multiple ways & of course, I’m a huge vampire fan and there’s a real appeal to subtly wearing these little nods to your interests for other to pick up on.