FAIIINT Faux Fur Snood / FAIIINT Cotton Maxi Skirt
On Friday FAIIINT turned 2 years old, it feels so strange writing that as I still feel like I’m so new to this! The past 2 years have been incredible – I’ve worked with some of my favourite brands, with people I’ve looked upto for the longest time, met so many lovely fellow bloggers, made new friends from all over the world, attended some awesome parties & been offered so many amazing opportunities, all purely thanks to this little blog. It’s quite surreal.
As a huge thankyou to all of you for reading over the past few years & your support, I’m having a birthday giveaway! I’ve been talking a lot about basics in my posts recently, those items every girl should own & so I thought I’d like to giveaway 2 pieces I consider to be absolute staples in my wardrobe, that I wouldn’t be without…
The first is a good maxi skirt, I made this one for myself a few weeks ago as I couldn’t find exactly what I had in mind elsewhere. The thin cotton lawn fabric & raw hem keep it casual, whilst the full gathered shape adds a little drama, especially when it billows out in the wind & I have been wearing it to death since I made it. Plus, it’s the perfect length too, I hate when I ruin maxis because they drag on the floor & get tatty within weeks. The second is of course, the fur snood. I posted a photo of one I made for a friend on Instagram a few weeks ago & you guys went nuts asking where to buy them, so I thought it’d be a good 2nd item to include!
The Prize…
One winner will get –
1 custom maxi skirt. Made from fine 100% cotton lawn, it has a side zipper & raw hem. I will make one up custom, to the winners size & measurements to ensure a perfect fit & length.
1 faux fur snood. Made from super luxury faux fur, it looks & feels incredibly realistic & is also lined in slinky satin for comfort. The winner can choose from black, brown or burgundy.
How To Enter…
Do at least one of the things on the list & then leave a comment on this post telling me which you did!
Each extra item on the list gets you another entry, so if you complete all of them you have 7 entries & 7 chances to win!
One entry for each of the following :
- ✚ Follow the blog on Bloglovin’
- ✚ Follow me on Twitter
- ✚ Like the page on Facebook
- ✚ Follow me on Instagram
- ✚ Follow me on Tumblr
- ✚ Tweet about this giveaway (click here)
- ✚ Share this post on Facebook (click here)
The giveaway is open internationally & anyone can enter. I know the blog is mostly read by girls, but guys, I don’t want to leave you out, so feel free to enter & if you win we’ll discuss a menswear alternative!
The winner will be picked at random from all entries on the 25th November & announced here on Wednesday. Good luck!
Giveaway is now closed! Thankyou for all your entries & good luck!
Jenna O says
Hi! Thank you so much for having this giveaway! :) I follow you via bloglovin as NennaO
Laura F says
Giveaway, yay! I love your blog, I follow you on Twitter and have tweeted about the giveaway, and like you on Facebook and have shared the link :)
Laura F says
P.s. Happy birthday, and keep the good work up :)
Edel says
Hey Steph! I follow you on Bloglovin, Twitter and Instagram as Edel M Hennessy! I’d love to own a custom made Faiiint piece! How exciting!
Jenny says
Wow Happy 2nd Birthday I noticed in your last post but thought I would save it for today! I really love your blog and it’s always great to read with incredible outfit posts and inspiration :) I just love the snood and the maxi skirt has to much character I just love the volume it gives would be perfect for everyday of the year as it looks very warm too!
✚ Follow the blog on Bloglovin’ – Krystel Couture
✚ Follow me on Twitter – @krystelc0uture
✚ Like the page on Facebook – JennyMcK
✚ Follow me on Instagram – @krystelc0uture
✚ Follow me on Tumblr – I don’t have tumblr :'(
✚ Tweet about this giveaway – https://twitter.com/KrystelC0uture/status/397340477969559552
✚ Share this post on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/Krystelce?ref=hl
I was unsure if you wanted all the details but thought I would post them anyway :) Great Giveaway! xx
http://www.krystelcouture.com ♥
Bushra says
Hey! Followed and liked you on most places i could…plus tweeted and shared giveway!!! Amazing blogger..love your unqiue yet simple and minimal style. Would so love the giveaways!! >.<
Bushra says
Hey! Followed and liked you on most places i could…plus tweeted and shared giveway!!! Amazing blogger..love your unqiue yet simple and minimal style. Would so love the giveaways!! >.<
And ofcourse Happy 2nd birthday as a blogger :)
Manuela Popova says
Happy birthdayyy!!!!
I think i already follow and like you EVERYWHERE possible haha, because you are one of my favourite blogs. and i also tweeted and shared the giveaway.
all the best, Steph!
Jessie says
Happy blog birthday :) I love the maxi skirt – I’ve been looking for the exact same thing for summer here and haven’t been able to find what I wanted either!
I follow on Facebook and bloglovin (Jessie Carter) and Twitter (@jezzybel13).
Brandi says
I like you on Facebook :) Brandi Dilling Thompson
Brandi says
I am following you on Twitter – awesomebrandi. Thank you, I’m so excited :D
Brandi says
I tweeted! https://twitter.com/awesomebrandi/status/397358715965157376
ilana says
Hey, I’ve been following you forever!!! You are a great inspiration for my style!!! Thanks. I liked you on facebook and added you to instagram
Iris says
I love that dress on you!!!
I followed you on Facebook (iris popescu), I followed on bloglovin (loveirisblog), I followed on twitter (@irisisradtastic), I tweeted: https://twitter.com/IrisisRadtastic/status/397365131618684928
Andrea Dieringer says
Liked on Facebook :)
thehautecookie says
love the black dress! xO!
Naomi says
Happy Blog Birthday, lovely!
Here are my entries…
– Follow the blog on Bloglovin’ (Naomi/bewitcheryblog.co.uk)
– Follow me on Twitter (@bewitchery_)
– Like the page on Facebook (Bewitchery)
– Follow me on Instagram (bewitchery_)
– Follow me on Tumblr (Naomi’s Room)
– Tweet about this giveaway (https://twitter.com/Bewitchery_/status/397395220817391616)
Naomi x
Lucy says
I follow you on Bloglovin’, Tumblr and Instagram. :)
Chona Gomba says
Happy Birthday!
*Followed you on Bloglovin’ (http://www.bloglovin.com/chloeblane)
*Followed you on Twitter (@ChloeBlaneis)
*Liked your page on Facebook (Chona Gomba)
*Followed you on Instagram (@chloeblaneis)
*Followed you on Tumblr (http://chloeblaneis.tumblr.com/)
*Tweeted about this giveaway (https://twitter.com/ChloeBlaneis/status/397399120505094144)
*Shared this post on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/chonagomba/posts/10200947545315257)
crystal says
congratulations on 2 years! i can’t believe it’s been so short, youve accomplished so much! great prizes for your give away, i followed you on lots of things but not twitter because i dont like twitter very much haha :)
MC Chau says
I followed on Bloglovin under MC Chau.
mcchaublog at gmail dot com
MC Chau says
I followed on Twitter under @cxc118
mcchaublog at gmail dot com
MC Chau says
Liked on Facebook under MC Chau
MC Chau says
Followed on Instagram under @cxc118
MC Chau says
Shared on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/mc.chau.3/posts/452966774824459
MC Chau says
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/cxc118/status/397421220594872320
miranda says
Happy Birthday!! I have enjoyed reading your blog these past two years :)
To many more!!
Jantine says
Happy Faiiint birthday! :) I’m always excited to read your posts and see your outfits, so I hope there will be many years to come :)
To enter the giveaway I did the following things:
✚ Follow the blog on Bloglovin’
✚ Follow me on Twitter
✚ Like the page on Facebook
✚ Follow me on Instagram
I feel a bit like a stalker now ;)
sahra says
LOVE that fur neck warmer! and HAPPY BLOG BIRTHDAY!!
Following you on BlogLovin <3
XO Sahra
Que Sera, Sahra
sahra says
following you on Twitter Now ! (@QueSeraSahra)
sahra says
Liked on FaceBook (Sahra Schukraft)
sahra says
Followed you on IG (@QueSeraSahra)
sahra says
TweeteD! (link: https://twitter.com/QueSeraSahra/status/397480805384978432)
fingers crossed I win!
Caroline W says
Wow, it would be great to win this contest, it ends just a day after my birthday :) My fingers are crossed.
Congrats on your success!
Here are my entries:
Followed on Twitter: @caroline_art24
Liked the page on Facebook: Caroline W
Followed on Instagram: @carolinew_illustration
Followed on Tumblr: http://www.carolinewillustration.ca
Tweeted about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/caroline_art24/status/397485996658282496
Shared this post on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/surrealisreal/posts/10151673660636526
Caroline W says
Whoops, for tumblr I meant to write http://www.canadiansliveinigloos.tumblr.com
AC says
Hi! Thanks so much for this giveaway <3 I'm following you on bloglovin', twitter and instagram as helloac (bloglovin) and helloalexcat (twitter and IG), and I tweeted atcha ;)
lizzie says
I followed you on FB and twitter! (lizzieasteele)
Berty Morales says
jamie-lee says
Congrats on two years!! It goes by pretty quick doesn’t it? How gret to mark it with a giveaway too, and such an amazing one at that. Well, I follow you on bloglovin, instagram and twitter! xx
winnie says
Wow I’m not entering this but just want to say what a generous competition this is! You look so lovely in this post – the skirt and the faux fur snood is perfectly styled here…and your gorgeous hair too!
Cyntia says
Hi love your work!
Follow me on Twitter – check! – cntdmds
Like the page on Facebook – check! – Cyntia Szandor Pare
Follow me on Instagram – check! – mothernorth
Follow me on Tumblr – check! -mothernorth
Tweet about this giveaway – check! – cntdmds
Thanks a lot! :D
Vanessa says
Happy 2 years!
xo, Delightful Sunflower
Sonia says
Hip, hip hooray! Wow 2 wonderful years getting to know you, you gorgeous (and incredibly talented) thing you! That skirt is very, very cool and would look quite cool on moi *wink* *wink*
Anyhoo you know I follow ya on all the above ;o)
Laura says
Oh I’m in!! congrats on this 2 years so far!!
✚ Follow the blog on Bloglovin’ Unspeakable Thoughts Unspoken
✚ Follow me on Twitter @naive2
✚ Like the page on Facebook: Laura Lopez
✚ Follow me on Instagram: @Naive2_
✚ Tweet about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/naive2/status/397661252622639104
Blog: http://unspeakablethoughtsunspoken.blogspot.com
Shop: http://unspeakablethoughtsunspoken.tictail.com
Jennifer says
Congratulations on 2 years! I love the style and hope to win that luscious black snood!! Beautiful. It gets cold here in Wisconsin, ya know! :))
I started following your blog
Jennifer says
with email aspire4ev@gmail.com
Ruth Power says
Follow you on facebook and instagram (as sleuthveronica). LOVE your posts, repping it for those of us who shy away from colours.
Maria says
Happy blog birthday! This is such an amazing prize :)
I have followed on Bloglovin, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr and have shared this on Facebook :)
Maria xxx
Lauren says
Great giveaway misses! I follow you on everything and tweeted, only missed the share on Facebook because I couldn’t get it to work on my phone, doh! Fingers crossed, I could get a maxi long enough for me, only thing worse than dragging on the ground is ganging around your ankles lol
Sara D says
Congrats on the two years! I love your blog.
I followed you on twitter (@kalejdoskopisk), instagram(@ixodida) and tumblr (ixodida.tumblr.com)
J. says
Happy blog birthday, you look incredible! I’m a huge fan of the snood!
wolfegirl says
Happy 2 years!!
What gorgeous prizes for a gorgeous blog! I already happily follow you on Instagram, and now I’m following you on Tumblr. :)
Bex says
Hey Steph!
Still love FAIIINT just as much when I first discovered you over a year ago!
I have:
✚ Follow the blog on Bloglovin’ – as bex cattran
✚ Follow me on Twitter – skygold201
✚ Like the page on Facebook – bex zeitgeistzero
✚ Follow me on Instagram – bexzzero
✚ Tweeted about this giveaway
✚ Shared this post on Facebook
I know a lot of my friends will love your blog if they havent already found you :)
Caitlyn says
I liked you on Facebook. (Caitlyn Bos)
TheBantuGirl says
Firstly congratulations on making it to two years. Good on you! And secondly, I follow you on bloglovin and tumblr.
katie skeoch says
following @KrystelC0uture : @Top_cat81
liked on FB as Katie Skeoch
tweeted https://twitter.com/Top_cat81/status/399172961514434560
shared https://www.facebook.com/katrinao.katie/posts/579021985480567
I am loving the snood!
Isobel says
Followed you on tumblr, instagram and facebook under my full name or Graethling.
Thanks for doing this giveaway!
Alise C says
I already follow you on twitter and insta. :P But, I also followed tumblr and tweeted about it (:
Yuen Lim says
✚ Follow the blog on Bloglovin’: The Craziest Paradigm
✚ Follow me on Twitter: @yueykabuey
✚ Like the page on Facebook: Yuen Lim
✚ Follow me on Tumblr : whimsicalparadigm
✚ Tweet about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/yueykabuey/status/399588749891207168
Marissa says
Happy two years. I follow you on Instagram and Twitter! Obsessed with your style and these pieces; would love to win! :)
Mika says
Oooh, happy second blog birthday!
Katherine Ryan says
Happy 2nd birthday! :) I’m a fan on Facebook (Katherine Ryan), I’m following via Bloglovin (Katherine Ryan) and I tweeted about it here: https://twitter.com/Jas1485/status/399844879221530624
Allison of RockLove says
Whoops, I muddled it and sent you my entries as an email. Happy 2nd birthday! I follow you here, your Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, posting your competition on all of them :) Which makes me sound like a stalker when I write it out…
Happy Birthday to FAIIINT! I’m following you on twitter, bloglovin & instagram and have tweeted about the giveaway (@FASHION_ICE). That faux fur snood is so chic, perfect for this time of year. Can’t wait to see more of your awesome looks and posts!
Leanna Murphy says
Hi! I’m following you on Instagram (@Leanna_Doll), as well as on tumblr (http://leannadoll.tumblr.com/)! I absolutely love your style/blog. All black is my favorite thing to wear, too :)
rachel mlinarchik says
followed you on IG (but only bc I was trying to mention you, had no idea about the giveaway!) and tweeted about the contest :) I love your style. xo ~Rachel
Bec says
followed you on twitter (beehex) tumblr (coldghosts) and liked on facebook (Bec Hac) :)
Kristina Rutšjevskaj says
Followed you on Bloglovin, Instagram and Tumblr(your tumblr is amazing!Everything is right up my alley) (: Awesome giveaway!
Sophie Sepe says
I love your style so so much darling!
Not one bad day. I’m such a fan. Thanks for two years so far, and congrats!
I’ve been following you on Facebook, tumblr, and now twitter! And I will tweet about the contest as well.
steph says
happy birthday faiiint!!! already following you on a bunch of things ;) x
Nero says
Gratz for 2 years of activity!! And of course i’m happy so got great results with it, i’m amazed by how good your outfits look and they really inspire me! Plus i love your husky!! He looks so fluffy =D
Entry 1 > I follow on Bloglovin as Serena Nehru Perfetto
Nero says
Entry 2 > I follow on Twitter as @Neroperfetto
Nero says
Entry 3 > I follow on FB as Serena Nehru Perfetto
Nero says
Entry 4 > I follow on Instagram as Neroperfetto
Nero says
Entry 5 > I follow on tumblr as Neropuro
[honestly didn’t know you had so many blogs to follow, i’m happy i discovered them all! I used to read your blog from the bookmarks and look at your instagram]
Queazco says
Tumblr and Instagram <3 :D
Alex says
Happy bloggy birthday! I follow you on tumblr under malafide, and have just added you to my bloglovin’ under Alexandra Brovco (subscribed via feedly originally).
Thank you for hosting this.
marisa says
I followed on Bloglovin! I liked on Facebook. Followed on Instagram! Followed on Tumblr. And I shared it on Facebook! :)
Sara says
Thank you for such an amazing giveaway! I love your style!! I follow on Bloglovin & Tumblr!
Anlly Monroe says
OMG!! I did everything you asked and not only for the opportunity! but because I love love your style! love the black :D theres no better than that! <3 kisses :D and good luck to meeeeeee! <3
Kristina Rutšjevskaj says
I just checked, I liked your FB aages ago, also following on twitter (: Facebook: Kristina Rutšjevskaja, Twitter- Astraete :3
Sam says
Oh that snood looks so cosy! Happy blog birthday :)
✚ Follow the blog on Bloglovin’ – Honeygolightly
✚ Follow me on Twitter – @HoneyGo_Lightly
✚ Like the page on Facebook – Sam Honey
✚ Follow me on Instagram – honeygolightly
✚ Follow me on Tumblr – honeygolightly