Nico stealing my favourite Totoro / 25! / We caught a shooting star during the Perseid meteor shower
Sunset at the farm / Sid – Ollie’s (16 year old!) Norwegian Forest Cat / Movie night with some old favourites
Pizza night with friends / Nico is super excited by his goodies from Pets Pyjamas! / Pattern cutting
Today is my 25th birthday, a quarter of a century old, and I think you could say I’m having a bit of a quarter life crisis! In my mind when I was younger, 25 seemed so old. I imagined that by now I’d be married, have a stable income, have settled into a career, have my own house & have become a proper grown up. I can’t say I have even one of those things right now, but in a way I’m glad, I don’t feel I’m ready for them yet & I don’t want to settle down either, I feel like I’m just getting started & still have so much more exploring & figuring out to do before all of that. I have plenty of years ahead of me to be a proper grown up, so I intend to be selfish, immature, reckless & have a little fun for at least a couple more yet!
I’m working someway towards the career at the moment, though I think the stable income, house & other things will be a while off yet. But they can wait, I’d rather take the leap of faith & follow my heart now, whilst I still can, than get a ‘normal’ job that pays well & always wonder what if. It’s terrifying & exciting me all at the same time. I’m being quite secretive about it all at the moment, as I don’t want to shout about it prematurely, before everything is in place & sorted, but I’m hoping all will be able to be revealed soon! I’m excited to share it with you guys!
I recently did an interview with the lovely Jantine over at Bleaq on my 6 favourite artists & designers too – check it out here. If you love dark art, then you really should pay Bleaq a visit, Jantine always finds the most beautiful works & I never fail to leave inspired. Just a warning though, you may lose yourself there for quite a few hours!