Last Friday was Nico’s 2nd birthday! I can’t believe I’ve had him for 2 years already now, it’s absolutely flown by, and yet at the same time I feel like he’s been in my life forever. He is my constant shadow, always keeping an eye on me & making me laugh every single day, I don’t feel even slightly embarrassed to say he is my very best friend.
As usual, he got spoilt rotten to celebrate. I made him some special treats, a little birthday cake (he even got sprinkles this time!), his favourite dinner (chicken, gravy & pasta) plus an extra long walk after & lots of cuddles on the sofa. It’s not weird to celebrate your dogs birthday is it?! They’re family, right? Please tell me it’s not just me…
I debated whether I should do another birthday post, or if maybe I’m becoming a bit too much of a crazy dog lady (I definitely am, and to be honest, I really don’t care!) But, I think Nico is as much a part of this blog as I am, those of you who’ve been reading for a while now have watched him grow up through his appearances in my outfit posts & I thought it would be a nice little tradition to give him a post each year to celebrate.
So, like last year, a little montage of a year of Nico from 1 – 2 years old…

You can see his 1st Birthday & his puppy pictures – here!
Laura says
Happy Birthday Nico!!! oh my he is so cute and he likes cupcakes!!
really made me laugh with some of his photos, he’s such a poser!!
I make videos for Virgola’s birthday so… you’re post is totally justified!!
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Hehe, he likes ANYTHING that’s food! ;)
He is such a poser. Aww, videos?! That’s so cute. I think it’s nice to do things like that to look back on, nice memories :)
lauren says
Not weird at all! Seb got spoiled rotten on his birthday last year, he’s 2 in august and will get cake this year too! love all those picture of Nico, he’s absolutely gorgeous!
Yay, glad it’s not just me! :D I didn’t realise him & Nico were such a similar age! We must get them together at some point, would be so nice :)
Josie says
Yaaaaaay happy birthday Nico! Deffo not weird to celebrate, they really are a part of the family (and any excuse for a bit of cake right? I celebrate Freddy’s birthday AND the anniversary of the day we got him haha.) xxx
Yes, exactly! I admit, I did make like 10 cakes and Nico got one – then me & Ollie ate the rest! Mwahah! ;)
Tara says
Oh Nico! He really is the most handsome dog evvver. Please send him my birthay wishes!! Crazy dog ladies are the best, those cats are overrated. <3
Thanks Tara! I shall :) I agree, I love cats too, but dog ladies are definitely better! ;)
Anastasia (@Natbeesf says
He is so cute!!! I know why you love him. I love my dog too so much :)
Shop my closet
Maria says
Aww he is so so cute! Happy birthday Nico :)
Maria xxx
Berty Morales says
Awww he is so cute. Happy Birthday Nico!
sophie says
Happy Birthday to Nico – he’s such a beautiful dog! My dog is seven this summer – it’s scary how fast time flies xxx
I left my heart in Miami
Thanks Sophie! :) It really is scary, I don’t want him to get any older, I want him to be this age & all full of energy forever!
AC says
What a handsome pup! Happy birthday to Nico :)
miranda says
This is one of the sweetest things I have ever seen! Happy Bday Nico!!
Mika says
Oh my gosh he’s too adorable and funny! Happy 2nd birthday to Nico! I love your Nico posts… crazy dog lady here too!
Hehe! Thanks Mika! I’m glad people enjoy them, it’s nice to know there are lots of other crazy dog ladies that read the blog too! ;)
the animal orchestra says
Awwww, I love this post. I confess that I celebrate my cat Jedi’s birthday, but he hasn’t been lucky enough to receive a cupcake yet! Hmmm, maybe next year…
Aw, I didn’t know your cat was called Jedi! That is so cute :) I actually made this one specifically ‘dog friendly’ – which I think makes me even more crazy… Ha! Oh well, he gives me so much, it’s the least I can do.
Hannah says
Aw Steph this was such a wonderful post! I think you should definitely do a post each year to celebrate Nico’s birthday (happy birthday Nico!), he’s obviously such a huge part of your life and that shows in all the beautiful pictures of you and Nico together. The photos are adorable and I can’t wait to see many, many more! xxx p.s. It looks as though the candle wick has disappeared in some of the photos – I hope Nico didn’t attempt to eat it!!
He definitely is! :) Hehe! That’s a good spot there! We took a few before we lit the candle, a few with it lit (but Nico wouldn’t go near it!) & then some after we blew the candle out, so he could eat it. The ones with no wick are from when we blew it out & the candle was a bit melted! He probably would have eaten it given the chance though! ;)
Sabrina says
Nico looks so fierce but playful at the same time! He really suits your general look and disposition in photos too.
Kylie says
Happy birthday Nico! He is one handsome young man, I hope I get to meet him one day :) I might steal him though xx
Aw, thanks Kylie! I hope you do too! :) Once Ollies car situation is sorted, we’ll be taking him on lots of trips & want to take him to see his breeder too, which is just past your way, maybe we could pop by on the way for a visit! :)
Velia says
How cute!
I always wanted a little baby husky every since I was a kid!
I can’t wait until I have my own place to have one :)
Velia | Cocoamourr
styleflakes says
omg! happy birthday Nico..amazing dog…so lovely ;)
great pics
A big kiss from styleflakes!
heather says
Seriously my heart just melted!!! Happy Be-lated Birthday Nico! Such a sweetie!
Erica says
I totally understand you!
Love for our dogs & cats is purest love!
Steph says
aww nico, that first pic with his cake is super adorbbbssss! he’ll need his own facebook page soon :)
maria at inredningsv says
AWWWWWWW This post Is beyond AMAZING:) love that cute dog. Im now following you.
Check out my new post…Provence dream away:)
and have a great weekend dear
LOVE Maria at inredningsvis.se
NotJustAPrettyDress says
And now happy belated birthday to Nico! What a beautiful selection of pictures and memories! You make a great duo Steph! Caterina