“YEAAAAAHH biscuits!”

I think it’s fair to say you all know I’m a bit of a crazy dog lady by now, right? So when we were invited by PetsPyjamas to their puppy party, there was no way I was going to miss it & I couldn’t resist sharing all of these cute photos with you guys either!
Nico was of course invited too, but unfortunately he couldn’t come along, he’s a bit of a scardy cat & couldn’t face getting on the train! Obviously he was pretty annoyed we went without him & left him to sulk at home (see sulking face above!), but he soon cheered up once we got back with a little goodie bag filled with treats for him!
We had such a lovely time meeting everyone & playing with all of the adorable pups. A room full of dogs having a party is my idea of heaven & it made such nice change from the usual blogger events we go to. The dogs really seemed to be having the time of their lives, though I’m not surprised with heaps of toys scattered around, groomers to pamper them, a mini-studio for photoshoots & lots of handbaked treats too. There was of course plenty to keep us humans happy also, trays of sandwiches & nibbles, plus yummy themed cocktails – I had quite a few ‘woof-woofs’!
I have to admit, I do like to spoil Nico & there were so many great products on display that I wanted to get him. I loved the huge, squishy b&w union jack bed & the neon, high-vis collars are a really great idea for nighttime walks. I’m not the type of person to dress Nico up, or get him different collars for everyday of the week, but after seeing all of the beautiful leather ones they had on offer I think he’s definitely due an upgrade to a nice, grown-up black leather collar & lead set soon, it is almost his birthday after all!
PS: Please someone tell me I am not the only one who thinks the small cream dog up there looks like a real life version of Jake from Adventure Time?! Click here to see what I mean!
Gillian says
This is quite possibly the best event I have ever seen, look at all those gorgeous pups! Nico’s wee sulky face is too cute, aww! x
Tara says
Waaaaaaaah! I have so much love for this post, it sounds like the coolest event EVER. Such a shame Nico couldn’t make it, I love his adorable sulky face haha. :O
I’ve never heard of that show before but the adorable doggy is definitely Jake’s doppelgänger. Freaky! xo
It was soo much fun! They really should do more puppy partys & invite non-dog owners too! :D
Also, glad it’s not just me that thinks the other dog looks like a cartoon! I’ve no shame in admitting it’s probably one of my favourite shows either… Haha!
Rakhshanda says
Thanks for sharing <3 <3 Each one of them is soo cute!!!!!
Lisanne says
Oooh my gosh I am sooo jealous, going to a fun party and being surrounded by dogs sounds like heaven!! Nico seems really cute, my dog is scared of water too and refuses to go out if its raining, little diva’s haha :)
heather says
OMGGGGGGGGGGG this is my kind of event! PUPPIES!!!! I’m like the crazy dog lady without a dog. I can’t walk down the sidewalk without staring or stopping to play with doggies. I just want one. Anyway these photos are truly beautiful. I can’t even handle NIco’s beautifulness….like unreal. I just want to cuddle him.
Hahah! :D That’s exactly how I was before I got Nico too, though honestly, I’m still like that now! They’re such amazing animals, I’d have a whole pack of them if I could! I hope you can get a little furry friend soon! :)
Lauren says
Awe how cute is Nico the wee scardy cat, Seb is exactly the same scared of everything!
Aww! Glad it’s not just mine! Everyone sees him & is like ‘Wolf!’… If only they knew what a wimp he is! Haha! ;)
lauren says
god no, nto just you. Seb’s a bloody Labrador but people still think he’s a big scary dog when he runs towards them to play. There’s more chance of him licking you than anything else lol
Maddie says
Awee that looks like such a lovely event! And definitely refreshing to see a party for dogs, would love to attend! :)
Josie says
This is my idea of heaven too, totally swooning over all those puppy dogs! That’s a shame that Nico couldn’t go but hope he enjoyed his goody bag! I NEED to get Freddy one of those bow tie collars, he’d look hilarious xxx
Hahah! Oh, please do! I couldn’t decide if they were cute/funny or just bad/funny… I was so tempted to get Nico one, but I know he’d rip it off in a matter of minutes! ;)
NotJustAPrettyDress says
Steph, the last picture says it all regarding how Nico was sorry to miss this event! You have such an adorable dog! I’ve never had a pet, but Mr. NJAPD and his family have a Rottweiler and we get along super well, maybe because her name is Audrey…Caterina
He is such a character, I swear he’s almost human the facial expressions he pulls sometimes! Aww, I love rottweilers too & what a great name for one! :)
jamie-lee says
That photo of the French Bulldog is fantastic! Absolutely love it. I’ve never had a dog, although I do have a cat and I seldom pamper him BUT I do shower him with cuddles.
It was my favourite from the night too, that face! Hehe! :D
Hannah says
On first glance I thought that dog (Jake from Adventure Time) looked like a seal!!! He’s definitely cute though haha, soo many cute dogs! Poor Nico not being able to go, but it looks like he was really chuffed with the treats you brought him back, and I bet he’ll be even happier when he gets a new leather collar and lead for his birthday :) the one thing that stands out in my memory most about visiting Selfridges in Birmingham for the first time (way back in sixth form) was the pet section, they had so many little costumes and amazing dog sofas and beds. Mind was blown haha. Enjoyed this blog post, something different and totally unique I think! xx
Thanks Hannah! :) I wasn’t 100% sure whether to do a post, as it’s not very ‘fashion’, but decided it would be a nice little change, so I’m glad people have enjoyed it!
Haha, he does look like a seal! He actually reminded me of that photo of the pug dog too ‘the saddest dog in the world’… Those big sad eyes! I wanted to cuddle him, but he just hid under a table the whole time!
thehautecookie says
omg such a cute pup!!! xO!
Alicia says
OMG, is that Rosie from “Made in Chelsea?”
Yeah, she was co-hosting the event with her cute little dachshund Noodle! She was really lovely! :)
Steph says
ha – poor Nico. that YEAHHH photo is priceless though! he is such a gorgeous dog <3
Kylie says
I read this post before on my phone, but I just had to come back and comment that is the BEST post ever! sooooo cute. I got the invite for this, but I don’t have a pooch so would have been silly. Also can you get broody over having a dog? Sad Luke won’t let me have one :( x
The party was like cute overload! Aww, maybe if you show him lots of cute pictures he might come around to the idea?! ;) Yes, I totally think you can, I was like that before Nico too!
Mags says
Oh my god, dogs are so big time that they have their own darn events! This is amazing – can’t believe things like this actually happen in real liblogger pet parties….whatever next? Admitting you’re a crazy dog lady is the first step hehehe!
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Mags x