Topshop x Todd Lynn Cropped Blazer / ASOS Dipped Hem Dress / Topshop Studded Belt / AllSaints Necklace / Topshop Boots / Balenciaga City
Sorry for yet another weather related moan, but I really wish it would decide what it’s doing. I left the house in this beautiful, floaty new ASOS dress thinking it would be the perfect day for it’s first outing, but I was so wrong! It was lucky I’d grabbed my jacket before leaving as no sooner had we got outside, the clouds rolled in & it became cold, wet & miserable again. This outfit feels like it belongs in September, not almost Summer…
On a good note, looking at these photos I feel like my hair has finally grown to a length I’m really happy with & is in so much better condition too. Sorry for the gratuitous hair shot up there, but seriously, check out the first outfit post I did & how short it was!
I’d been going to the same, expensive, city center hairdressers for years & they always chopped my layers super short because my hair was ‘thick & heavy’ & needed ‘shaping’. I just went along with it, thinking they knew best. Then a little while ago I got back in touch with an old friend, who’s now a hairdresser, and she encouraged me to grow it all out. I was skeptical at first, and it seemed to be at an awkward in-between stage for months, which made me even more convinced that it was better shorter. I considered numerous times asking for the layers to be cut short again because it looked a mess, but now I see just how right she was. It’s virtually all one length now & yeah, it is thick & heavy, it takes ages to blowdry & gives me a headache from the weight if I wear it up for too long, but I think it’s worth it.
Jade says
I love this look, so dramatic but cool!
J x
liv says
Wow…. so gorgeous!
Rakhshanda says
You look beautiful Steph <3 <3 Love the blazer!!
Hope it becomes warm out there soon!
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Lauren says
You hair is gorgeous, mine is limp and thin wish it was thick! I totally agree with the weather moans, on Saturday I had shorts and I vest, today I need my thick waterproof to walk the dog, what the hell?!
I know, tell me about it! :( Nico is not my friend today, cos it’s raining so heavily there’s no chance he’s getting a walk! Hah!
Lauren says
Aww poor Nico! Seb was nearly the same
Carmen says
Your boots are so lovely! I think it’s definitely worth having longer hair, it suits you so much :)
Carmen Ri.
Lau Figueiredo says
such a cool outfit!
AC says
Love that dress! I’ve never had much luck with ASOS brand clothes but that piece looks lovely. And your hair looking stunning :)
Thankyou! I have to admit, ASOS is one of my favourite places for cheap-ish clothes, but then I do often order a lot of things & end up returning most! It’s worth it for the occasional brilliant piece like this though, the fabric & quality is so lovely.
AC says
At least they make it easy to do returns! Might have to give them another chance ;)
Josie says
I feel you with the weather woes! I love your long hair, I’m jealous of how shiny it always looks! I think it suits your outfits best when it’s long if that makes sense haha xxx
I know exactly what you mean, I think it fits more with my whole ‘look’ when it’s longer too! :) The shininess is mostly down to my L’oreal hair colour though, it always looks so glossy (and oddly healthier?!) when it’s freshly coloured! Hah!
Mili says
I hate when you’re super excited about an outfit, and then your plans get ruined due to the weather :( At least you got to mix up the dress! I’m so envious of your hair, growing it out was definitely worth it– it’s beautiful :)
Mili from call me, Maeby
Laura says
that dress is lovely, love the skirt it has.
About your hair… I like it better this long, plus, you can style it in more ways being longer rather than shorter (this brings the question: do you always wear your hair down? I think I’ve never seen you in a pony tail or bun).
also change hairdresser, leave the expensive city one.
I’m not making any comments on the weather (pouring down today, hello November!)
I never wear it up unless it’s super hot & sticky (like on holiday) or if I’m exercising .etc, because it’s so heavy that wearing it up gives me quite a headache, so I only do if I need to! Plus, I’m incredibly lazy with my hair, so the less styling required (usually I just roll out of bed & give it a bit of a shake! Hah) the better!
I have stopped going to the expensive city one & go to my friend everytime now, she’s less than half the price & I get cups of tea! ;)
Hannah says
Ah I really loved looking at your first outfit post – love the leather jacket you made! Your hair really has grown SO much!! It looks beautiful, there’s nothing wrong with thick hair, it looks so healthy :) I’m the same getting a headache if I wear mine up for too long, which is a pain since I’m not the biggest fan of wearing it down! I love your silhouette in this outfit, especially in that last photo with your tiny waist and that dipped hem. xxx
Aw, thankyou Hannah! :) I agree too, I’m not sure why the old hairdressers were so scissor happy with it, or why I let them be, to be honest. I guess I assumed if it was long it would look in bad condition & that they knew best making it short, but it’s actually never looked healthier! The headaches are so annoying though aren’t they?! Whenever I wear it up I have to take it down half way through the day & give my head a little massage!
Jantine says
Another great outfit, love that dress! I can totally relate to the weather issues, the last few weeks I’m always under- or over dressed: the days start like spring and end in fall, or the other way around. But hey, at least I still get to wear my super pretty winter coat in May ;) Your hair looks lovely by the way!
Yes exactly! I’m forever getting too cold or hot because I’ve dressed for what the weather was like in the morning (or the day before) then it’s suddenly changed! Argh! I’m making the most of getting to wear my winter jackets & coats too! ;)
Melissa Araujo says
I hear you, same where I am from . Vancouver is called Raincouver. Today is pouring so I am back into layers and winter jackets…seriously the weather has to be more stable I want to be in spring/summer already.
Regardless you look great and I wear black all though any season ;)
the animal orchestra says
Your hair is phenomenal. Mine is also long, thick, curly, so most of the time I straighten it to keep it under control…but I wish it would go into pretty curls like yours!
Oroma says
You look amazing, I love the dress <3
Tanja says
You’re my inspiration when it comes to trying out black combinations – you know exactly how to pair something so it looks AMAZING in the end. This outfit is more than dramatic, it’s pure art if you ask me.
Thankyou Tanja! That is such an awesome compliment to receive! :)
Peet says
It’s definitely worth it, babe!! You have such gorgeous hair, I wouldn’t cut it. I’d cut it really short or just wear it long.:) The full waves are sexy, no doubt. And that coat you have on is pretty cool too!
Thanks Peet! I’ve always been tempted to go for a really short style, but after spending so long growing it, I don’t think I’d dare now! ;)
Maddie says
Another great outfit from you sweetie! You make black look so versatile! I love those booties! <3
Stunning, everything! Such gorgeous hair – the length really suits you. Love your style, as always. :)
miranda says
The dress is gorgeous though!!
annette says
this outfit is beyond… loooove..
Marlen says
Arg I hate when the weather is like that! Especially when it gets too cold and you’re stuck running around without any layers- in Chicago you always got the dirtiest of looks for going bare-legged when it was chilly, haha! And I LOVE your sleek, New Yorkerish style. You pull off all black so wonderfully. And yay for growing our your locks! You really did have short hair before, but I still think you looked pretty in it :)
xo Marlen
Messages on a Napkin
Sonia says
This ensemble fits in perfectly with Melbourne’s weather right now, especially the coat, I could really use one lol. Speaking of your hair, it’s perfect! I’d love thicker hair myself but didn’t realize what a burden it could be, especially the time in maintenance. Never occurred to me!
Steph says
i love your hair ;-) been trying to grow mine out as well, but going to get the chop tonight! sometimes it’s good to get a second opinion i think. long curls suit your look really well and that dress looks amazing with the belt, great silhouette steph!
thehautecookie says
i have a girl crush on u- LOVE ur style. rockin the all black effortlessly- LOVE.
GlassOrganelle says
Very nice outfit. The fabric on the collar of your jacket is fantastic.
I sympathize with trying to grow out your hair. I successfully went through the pain once, only to cut it off again. Seemingly never ending.
NotJustAPrettyDress says
I think your hair looks beautiful: thick and glossy, you cannot ask for more! I had a look at your first post and to me you looked great both ways! Caterina
vivien_noir says
You have such stunning hair I never get tired of drooling over :) After years of fighting against hair loss and trying to get mine as long as I can, I finally gave in and made an appointment at a hairdresser’s. It’s my first after almost 10 years (I only cut split edges, and do it myself), and I’m already anxious and nervous what will happen to my few and very fine strands. I hope they can make something good out of it…
All others with far less complicated hair, I’d always recommend growing it out to one equal lenght and just let it flow over your shoulders… can’t think of anything more beautiful than this look.
vivien_noir says
I truly adore this short bolero Jacket, I wished I had one like this. I think I need to go searching… one for summer, one for spring/fall.