On Wednesday we were invited down to Circus in London’s Covent Garden for AX Paris‘s blogger party to celebrate their first ever TV advert, which we got a sneaky preview screening of & to get up close with their new SS13 collection too. The brand has become somewhat known for their beautiful, yet affordable party dresses & this was the perfect place to show them off, I had my eye on a few of the black ones.
We were spoilt with cocktails, canapes & goody bags stuffed to the brim with lovely things, but the highlight of the night for me were the performances. I had never been to Circus before, so I had no idea what to expect, but I’d heard good things from others who had been & we definitely were not disappointed! The girls performed a cheeky dance routine dressed in gorgeous lingerie & little cat ears, then made way for a solo fire dancing & eating performance from the lead girl, all whilst she was en pointe in her ballet shoes! I had a seriously huge girl crush on her afterwards, and how beautiful are her sleeves too?
There were 3 other performances throughout the night, and all were just as brilliant, it was easily the best entertainment I’ve ever seen at an event like this. There was more of the same from the girls, this time in different outfits & we were also treated to some arial acrobatics from the male dancer. I think it’s safe to say we were all quite mesmerized by his performances with the hoop & silk scarves!
The rest of the night was spent mingling with the other girls. I always love going to blogger events & getting the chance to meet other people who’s blogs I read on a regular basis, and meeting new people too. Although I’m extremely shy & find it hard to start talking to people, and sometimes people mistake this for me being ignorant or stuck up (I promise I’m not, I’m just socially awkward!), I think I’m starting to find it easier & spoke to lots of lovely girls this time. Shout out to Tara, Kelly, Lara, Andrea, Ngoni & of course Kim who did a brilliant job of organizing the whole thing, it was so lovely to meet you all!
Tara says
Awww, Steph these snaps are UH-MAZING! It was so lovely to meet you, hope we get to hang out again soon. xoxo
Aw, thankyou! I can’t take the credit though, It’s all Ollie’s talent! ;)
Tara says
Ollie does have some mad skills! ;) xo
Sam says
Looks like a great event! I haven’t been to a bloggers event for ages. Sometimes it’s a bit awkward to walk up to someone and say hi I read your blog, feel a bit daft haha x
Yes exactly! Haha! The one time I was brave & went upto someone & said ‘Hi, you’re so-and-so aren’t you?!’ they just looked at me & went, ‘uhh.. no’… Cringe!
sophie says
looks like such a cool event and they clearly put lots of effort into it as well! great photos of the performances xxx
I left my heart in Miami
Lauren says
Sounds like a brilliant night. I love going to blogger events to, unfortunately there’s not as many up here :(
Yeah, there are never any in the Midlands either, but luckily London is not too far & the coach is really cheap! They do seem to be getting more & more popular up in Scotland though, so hopefully there will be more for you soon! :)
Lauren says
Yeah they are def more popular. I’ve got the hair and beauty awards at end if month really looking forward to that.
Shabna says
Ahh can’t believe I didn’t spot you and say hi! love your blog! I thought the event was amazing haha!
shabna x x
Aww, no way! :(
I always miss people at these things because I’m so shy, so annoying! If you spot me at another please do come say hi! :)
lorna says
i’m your latest follower please follow my blog x
winnie says
Oh yes – I’ve seen lots of other bloggers rave on about this night – it looks like it was good fun!!
Laura says
Must have been great!! Party with show included!
rin handika says
what an amazing circus! I loveee your blog! Tottaly love all those photos :D
thehautecookie says
wow what an amaze event! xO!
MonochromeMagpie says
Looks like an amazing event!
Maria says
Aww I wish I could have made it to this, it looked like so much fun!
Maria xxx
Steph says
what an amazing event, love these photos. ollie is so talented! and that “circus” type… brilliant!