This weekend we went along to Hyper Japan, a three day long event dedicated to Japanese culture. Unfortunately we only got to do the Saturday & missed out on a few things I would have liked to have seen on the other days, but next year we’ll be going for the whole thing! Anyone who knows me will know I’m a huge nerd & also that I’m a little bit of a Japanophile! I adore anime, manga & video games & have always found their unique take on street fashion massively inspiring, so this was like heaven for someone like me!
The best part was undoubtedly seeing all of the amazing cosplay costumes & also lots of adorable lolitas running around. The level of detail in the costumes & the amount of time these guys spend making them & getting ready always inspires me, I didn’t see one half-hearted or rushed costume whilst we were there, everyone had made so much effort & that was so lovely to see.
The other highlight for me was getting to watch samurai sword artists Kamui. These are the guys who choreographed the huge bar fight scene between The Bride & The Crazy 88’s in Kill Bill Volume 1 & they put on an amazing performance. Split into a few different ‘scenes’ we got the typical all-out-action sword fighting that was seriously impressive to watch but also, a more intense duel between just two members of the group & even a little comedy too! I think I was grinning through the whole thing, it was so much fun to watch!
There was so much to buy too, luckily I didn’t take much cash with me, otherwise I’d have brought the entire place! Although I dress all black & quite serious, I’m a sucker for cute things, my trunk in my room (that was supposed to be for sitting on) is overcrowded with stuffed toys, I seem to pick one up from wherever I go, especially holidays & I really wanted one of those fluffy alpacas you can see in the first photo! I ended up just buying a heap of DVD’s as they were so cheap & lots of yummy food!