Anyone who knows me will tell you that Halloween is my favourite holiday, I love getting to dress up & make a brand new costume every year, plus it’s also one of my oldest & best friends birthdays too! She had decided to go as Snow White, so of course I couldn’t resist going as my own favourite Disney Princess – Ariel! It was one of the quickest & cheapest costumes I’ve ever made, but I was really pleased with how it turned out, even though it was a massive pain to walk & dance in!
I never usually post these type of things as I prefer to keep the blog free of the more personal stuff like this, but there were so many brilliant costumes I just had to share them & thought it would be a nice change to my usual Monday outfit post too. I bet most of you have never seen me in so much colour! I swear, everyone else seems to go dark & moody for Halloween, but I do the total opposite because I’m dark & moody anyway!
My favourite costumes of the night were a draw between Pop Art Superwoman (how awesome does Sarah’s makeup look?!), Sam as a bunch of grapes (because I couldn’t stop laughing!) & Mr Motivator (though I think only the British readers will know who that is!)
Who’s was your favourite?
Martina says
looks like so much FUN!
Robyn says
You look incredible!!! The bunch of grapes is hilarious haha :)
alicia says
OMG! Your costume is insane!! Love it!!!!!
Paola says
You looked seriously AMAZING! And if I was 20 years younger, you would have been my favourite person that night ;)
Carmen says
You look absolutely gorgeous!!
Carmen Ri.
J. says
Wow, amazing costume! You look incredible!
Last year a little girl came to my door in something unrecognizable…when I asked her what she was she told me she was a white blood cell and that she was really into science…I gave her the rest of my candy.
That is so brilliant! I would have given her the rest of my candy too, so creative! :) I love when you see kids that are really into subjects like science, it seems so rare for kids to be interested in those more intellectual subjects these days!
Melissa Araujo says
You look amazing and it is so real! Good job amazing effort and results <3
Maria says
You look AMAZING, so jealous of your gorgeous figure!
Maria xxx
trishie says
You make a BEAUTIFUL Ariel! Love the costume, looks like you had lots of fun.
daisychain says
You look AMAZING and it amuses me no end that someone went as Mr Motivator! x
Haha! Glad someone knows who he is, it kinda made my night, we couldn’t stop laughing at how brilliant it was! :D
Josie says
I LOVE that you went as Ariel, you look amazing! So do all your friends, I love how much effort everyone made xxx
Femke says
woooow!! how cool is this!
really wish halloween was more “active” in Holland, love this!
(also follow me on instagram: @FEMKEHHA)
caroline says
ahh amazing Ariel costume!! you look so good!
steph says
you look amazing as ariel! and that guy who went as a bunch of grapes – what a genius!
Miranda says
Looks like so much fun! And you are one hot redhead. hehe
Sonia says
You had such an awesome Halloween, love your Ariel and that shade of red hair on you is seriously gorgeous!
heather says
You make one beautiful Ariel! What a fun costume! I wish Halloween wasn’t a wash -_- The only thing I did was make pumpkin cookies and carved a pumpkin.
Courtney says
Loved your Ariel costume! She was my fave Disney character as a kid so U always love to see women dressed as her…shows the inner kid in all of us!
The pop art makeup is cool! I saw a girl on Pinterest with it but she had like a 1950s inspired costume. It was awesome!
Alison says
I am so impressed with your ninja-like sewing skills. That costume looks professionally done!
Jenny says
Haha, I love your outfit! It looks super professional and colourful! ;) I love the Pop Art Superwoman and the Wonderwoman too! xo
NotJustAPrettyDress says
Ariel could not be more beautiful, or stylish! Glad you had such great fun and I wish you a nice w-e Steph!
Marlene says
I’ve been following your photos on Instagram and couldn’t resist a chuckle at your mermaid costume. My daughter and her friends are fans of the Disney Ariel. If they saw you on the street, you’d probably have kids lining up asking for your autograph!
Aww! I think that would have made my night! I remember queuing up for ages when I was little to get Ariels autograph at Disneyland! It’s nice that she’s still so popular even though the movie is 23 years old! :)
styleflakes says
It seems like you had so much fun miss Ariel!:)
you have the best costume and you should really think of having your hair red!you are stunning!
love this unexpected post of you!
big kiss!