This was going to be my usual Sunday inspiration round up, but a few days ago the lovely Xixia sent me an email to say she’d featured me on her blog as part of her ‘Liebster Blog Award’ post. She asked if I’d be able to take part too by answering a couple of questions & then tag a few other bloggers to take part as well.
I don’t usually take part in these pass around questionnaire type things I often see on blogs, but I thought the idea behind this one was really lovely & I’d actually been meaning to do a post on some of my newly discovered favourite blogs after Becky featured me in her own roundup. I was super flattered & felt inspired to share the love too with my own post, but with holiday organizing I never got around to it! So I’m taking this opportunity to combine the two!
Below are my answers to Xixia’s questions & then afterwards some of my newly discovered favourites!

Andy Warhol. He is my absolute idol, I love the way he turned fine art on it’s head & made people see the beauty in even the most mundane. Most people can marvel at the beauty of a DaVinci, but few stop to admire what an amazing piece of graphic design the label for Campbell’s soup is! And it really is! His wit, ambition, kookyness & the fact he is insanely quotable are just a few of the many other reasons I love him so much.
What is your favorite quote?
“To see a world in a grain of sand, And heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour.” William Blake is one of my favourite poets, and artists, this is the opening verse of the poem of his I love best “Auguries of Innocence”.
What is a pet peeve of yours?
People who are far too easily offended & those that seem like they’re just looking for an excuse to be offended so they can whinge about it! I find that so irritating!
Sunlight or moonlight?
Oh this is so hard, I guess I would have to say moonlight though, as I love nothing more than gazing up at the night sky, it’s so beautiful & it just fills my head with so many questions.
What is your favorite movie?
I’m going to have to cheat a little on this one, I’m such a movie nerd that I could never pick just one, so instead I’m going to list my 10 favourites (in no particular order)! Sorry!
Pulp Fiction, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Dawn of The Dead (original), Oldboy, The Fountain, Princess Mononoke, Ichi The Killer, Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo & Juliette, Pan’s Labyrinth, Moon.
What could you eat everyday and love it?
Pasta or pizza! I actually do pretty much eat one of those every single day anyway, as I’m a very fussy vegetarian!
Modern or vintage?
Definitely modern. I love to take inspiration from vintage fashions, especially the tailoring of the 40s & the teddy boys/girls of the 50s, but I very rarely buy vintage myself. I think mostly because the era’s I find most inspiring all catered towards a totally different body type to mine, I have no tits or ass to fill out those lovely hourglass jackets & dresses!
What is your guilty pleasure novel?
I’m not sure I have any that could be classed as a ‘guilty pleasure’, but maybe Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. I can still read it over & over again! I guess my love of graphic novels is probably quite a guilty pleasure too!
Who is your favorite cartoon character?
Oh, another hard one! I love so many cartoons, it’s so hard to choose! I guess, Ariel from The Little Mermaid, she was my favourite growing up, I totally related to her awkwardness & I so longed to be a mermaid just like her!
What wardrobe item can’t you live without?
My battered black boots!
World Cup or Olympics?
I’m not a sporty person at all, but I really can’t stand football, so this is easy – The Olympics!
5 Newly discovered favourites…
Define Delirium
I adore Mika’s outfit posts, she does minimalist, effortless dressing so perfectly. I love her writing style too, so well written but also full of personality.
Love For Schoolgirl
Full of lots of beautiful examples of Rae’s photography, her travel posts leave me feeling insanely jealous of all the wonderful places shes been able to visit or live in & I love the way she’s constantly changing up her style for her outfit posts. One moment shes a sweet schoolgirl, the next retro 50’s, preppy or laid-back surfer chic.
Melissa Araujo
I love Melissa’s mix of minimalistic, sporty style with an edge. She is also super talented making a lot of her own clothing & also has a clothing line too!
Josie Loves Shoes
I love the way Josie writes, her posts seriously crack me up & she has such a knack for finding the funny in any situation. She also has that simple, effortless kind of style totally nailed & if you can say you’re not jealous of those never-ending legs, then I’m sorry, but your lying!
Chocolate Cookies & Candies
I’m a sucker for gorgeous photography & Marlene’s lovely blog is packed full of it! I only recently came across it, but as soon as I saw the photography I knew it would quickly become a favourite. I also love the ‘Pass It Forward’ series she does, showcasing 3 of her favourite blogs each time & I have found so many new blogs to love because of it! The posts are always packed with wit & charm too, it’s hard not to love!
It would be great if you 5 could carry this on & do a post answering my questions & then tagging a few other bloggers take part too! I think this is such a nice idea & a great way to spread some love around!
My questions to you are:
What is your favourite song?
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Who is your favourite artist or what is your favourite artwork?
Sweet or salty?
Sum yourself up in 3 words?
Who is your favourite fashion designer?
What would you do if you had 24 hours to live?
What is your favourite movie?
One fact about yourself that not many people know?
If you could be someone else for a day who would you choose?
What is your favourite quote?
PS: I wish I’d had time to include more awesome blogs, but do go check out the links page for a whole list of my favourites, new & old!