Topshop Tank Top / A Wear Asymmetric Skirt / CC Skye Crosses Necklace / AJ Morgan Cat Eye Sunglasses / GAP Sandals / ASOS Bag
If it wasn’t for the fact that my maths skills are beyond horrendous, I would most definitely have gone into physics instead of art & fashion. I would have loved to have studied cosmology, but I knew I’d never be able to pass the entrance exam when I struggle with even basic mathematics! I can easily grasp the ideas & principles, but when it comes to the formulas I’m totally lost! I’m sure most of you are aware by now of my fascination with the cosmos, so it’ll come as no surprise that Kennedy Space Center was another day I seriously enjoyed. It was a really nice change from all the Disney parks we’d done the week before too.
This was one of the last places we visited & it was the only time I actually remembered to take some outfit photos! Sorry about that! How stunning is the ‘Rocket Garden’ though? Things like this always really overwhelm me, it’s so awe-inspiring standing at the foot of these ginormous machines & seeing just how massive & what a feat of technical engineering excellence they really are.
There were so many amazing pieces on display too, I especially enjoyed the little Apollo 14 exhibit they had. There were chunks of moon rock, astronauts diaries, prototype spacesuits & even Alan Shepard’s actual space suit from the mission, still covered in a silvery layer of moon dust! I got pretty excited about that one, I know it’s just dust, but it came from the moon, how amazing is that?! They also had the actual Apollo 14 capsule there, which I loved! The Hubble exhibit was another favourite, huge back-lit images from the telescope covered the walls & it was really quite magical to see them at such a large scale & felt almost as if you were amongst it all.
Like the big kid that I am, I had so much fun playing around with all the interactive exhibits they had too! I got to touch a real (3.7 billion year old!) piece of moon rock, rode the space shuttle launch simulator (not as good as the one at Epcot, sorry NASA!), sat in a mockup Apollo capsule, experienced what a shuttle launch was like from the control room & got to look around a replica cockpit!
Vehicle Assembly Building – The flag painted on is 209 feet high & the red stripes are wide enough to drive a bus up!

View from the top of the observation gantry with Shuttle launch pads in the background

Testing out the mock-up Apollo capsule!

Watching a reconstruction of the Apollo launch – all the equipment is from the original launch

Restored entire ‘Saturn V’ rocket on display!

LEGO mars exploration rover, reminds me of WALL-E! / Hubble telescope photography

Full scale replica ‘Lunar Module’ cockpit

Prototype space suit / Alan Shepard’s space suit from the Apollo 14 mission – still covered in moon dust!

Apollo 14 capsule

Space suit repair kit given to the astronauts! / Chunk of moon rock

Photograph of the Orion Nebula from the Hubble Telescope
Jo says
The space section in the Science Museum London is my favourite part of a museum EVER! so this literally looks like my dream place. I could get lost here for hours! Great pictures.
Jo. x
steph says
wow the photos of you against the hubble photos are UNREAL steph!! makes for such amazing outfit photos! and the first photo is like the ultimate postcard! :) i’m with you on the math, i actually studied science and add math for three years and the thought of going to add maths classes always stressed me out because I couldn’t never do the homework properly.. haha. so, art and design it is i guess ;)
Aw, thankyou! It really makes me want to wallpaper my room in something similar, it looks so beautiful at such a large scale!
I would love to blame my lack of math skills on the awful teachers we had, but I honestly think it’s more one of those things you’re born with, the way your brain’s wired & that people tend to be either artistically creative or mathematically creative. I’m obviously the former, so yeah, art & design all the way! ;)
Jenny says
Seeing this post makes me wish I was back there, the Kennedy Space Centre is one of my favourite places ever! And yes I definitely wish I was good at physics so I could do astrophysics! Your dress is beautiful, it suits you so well :) Love your blog! x
Aw, thankyou! I agree, it’s one of the most amazing places I’ve ever been to! I hope you get to go back there one day! :)
Mika says
Oh that last photo is magical! The universe is such a wonderful subject; simply imagining the sheer size of space is just awe-inspiring.
I totally agree, it literally blows my mind thinking about it & I must spend so many nights just lying awake contemplating all the mysteries of the universe! It’s just so fascinating & I also think it’s simply amazing that we know so much about it, though of course there is still much more to learn.
Maria says
This looks amazing, I am always amazed when you think of what humans can do!
Maria xxx
heather says
OMYGOSH these photos are way beautiful and so is your dress! That last shot of you with the cosmos is seriously STELLAR *pun intended lol*
Pearl Westwood says
I would really like to visit it looks amazing! When I was in Florida I got to see a shuttle launch at Cape Canaveral which was cool x
You definitely should if you’re ever in Florida! & Oh, I’m so jealous, that must have been such an awesome experience!
Izumi says
you seriously look like a model, girl!!
Hybid Hunter | Hybid Hunter
life.style.flash. says
Oh wow, I am so jealous! I’m totally fascinated by space!
You should visit the Science Museum in Kensington if you haven’t already – they have some amazing pieces of space history in there!
Becky | life.style.flash. x
I love the Science Museum too! I’ve been a few times, but quite a while ago now, I think I’m definitely due another visit soon! :)
Xixia says
Wow…this is amazing. And like several said before, that last picture is stupendous. Oh my goodness. :)
Hahah, I know a few people who are majoring in Physics and I am completely astounded by them. I don’t know how they can process all that math and information.
♥ xixia
Melissa Araujo says
Love the shadow pics of you! Also I wanted to formally say thank you for the previous post feature. I am truly humble by your compliment as I think of you highly as a blogger and as an artist! I also added you to my blog roll. We will be rolling together now xx M
Aw, Melissa, that’s so nice! Thankyou! :)
Martina says
hello dear, i am so happy to have found your blog! i am going to Orlando in 2 weeks and by reading your blog and see all these wonderful pictures, i cant wait to get there! Following u with pleasure.
Aw, that’s so nice to hear, thankyou! I hope you have a wonderful time & I shall look forward to seeing your photos too! :)
Nikki says
wow amazing pictures! and you look great x
that dress is perfect on you! what a great experience as well
Laura says
Love your dress :) Looks like you had such an awesome time.
moiminnie says
Thanks for commenting on my blog, lovely! This post is amazing, I suppose it was an out of this world experience! And you look so chic in all black! http://www.moiminnie.blogspot.com xx
Aleksandra says
Amazing place!!!
Love your photo in the capsule & the last one !!!
And I love your sunglasses !!!
NotJustAPrettyDress says
Not sure if I ever mentioned it to you, but I am a huge sci-fi fan – Battlestar Galactica was one of the TV shows I loved the most! – and I’m so jealous of your pictures the Apollo capsule!
Ahh! I’m a huge sci-fi nerd & I love Battlestar Galactica too! Nice to know I’m in good company! :D If you ever get chance to visit Kennedy you really should, I think you would love it there!
poziomka says
Love your dress!
And the pics are great!
Amy says
I love that photo of you in the capsule – too cute!