All bags Bracher Emden
As I have mentioned many times before, I’m not usually much of a bag person, I will always go for a pair of showstopping shoes over a nice bag. That all changed when I came across Bracher Emden though, their handmade, sculptural bags are like little works of art & I don’t think I could find a handbag anymore ‘me’ even if I were to design one myself. I love the attention to detail & the ergonomic shapes, an indent in a clutch that’s just right for resting on your hand or a scooped bottom on a shoulder bag that means it sits perfectly on top of your hip. Each bag is handmade, so the quality & craftsmanship is second to none despite the very reasonable price tag. These little things & of course the futuristic designs that remind me of all my favourite superheroes & sci-fi movies are the reason I fell so hard in love with them. So, when the lovely Jess invited me down to the showroom to have a look at the collection, I couldn’t say no!
The stand outs for me were the new season white ‘Geo’ clutch with burnt in pattern, the floppy oversized clutches with geometric appliqué in lime & black, the deadly looking spiked lime clutch, the squishy cream tote in ostrich & heavily textured lamb leather & the heart clutches in collaboration with Bora Aksu. Which are your favourites?
The collaboration with Bora Aksu, which comes in 2 styles, the clutch & the large tote is on sale exclusively in the New Designers Accessory Space at Harrods from today & the others are available directly from Bracher Emden.
Nikki says
love it!! x
Josie says
Superheroes was my exact thought when I saw these! I actually can’t choose a favourite they’re all amazing. The black ones in the first picture are very special though xxx
Yeah, I agree, given the chance I’d have run off with all of them! ;)
Grom says
Great post Stephanie, superb photos Ollie. All the bags shown are *out of this world* beautiful. xx
poziomka says
Love the three of the firs photo.
heather says
*drooling* I literally OOOed at all of these bags. They are so beautiful, so chic, sooooo interesting…I esp loooooveee the last two. I don’t know what it is but I have really taken a liking to white bags lately.
Me too! I’m too worried about buying one though, as my bags take quite a beating & I think it’d get dirty & start looking a mess really quickly…
Jessie says
cool designs. i especially love the little black pouch!
Lenne says
Omg they’re gorgeous!!! I need them in my life hahaha.
Daniela says
i LOVE bracher emden – they used to be with my fave PR agency and i’d go weekly to their showroom to just weep over how pretty they all were. xx
Carola says
holy shit there are some real beauties! the white clutch is my absolute fav – superheroine style!
Heartbeats from Vienna Wedekind
Xixia says
These designs are really cool. I like that they incorporate some pretty heavy geometric patterns into their work – it makes it that much more interesting to me. Also, that is so awesome that they add those little details for your comfort! It’s nice when designers put that much thought into what is good for their consumer.
♥ xixia
Yeah, exactly! I love details like that, making something super beautiful also very practical, the best designs are always a perfect mixture of the two & I think Bracher Emden really get that. I have the Geo, and I can say, being a bit of a clutch-phobic (always dropping them & loosing them .etc!) the little indent at the bottom for your hand is practical design at it’s very best!
Jenny says
I love the ‘Geo’ patterned one! These all look so lovely and of a great quality. Thank you for introducing me to them! x
Marlene says
These designs are truly unique. I like how the patterns are completely done in leather stitching – tone on tone. Eye catching and subtle without being tacky.
Inês de Castro says
I love the bags :)
steph says
oh my these are amazing steph! i’m with you on the white geo bag, also really like the black box clutch with the jewels — amazing detailing!