#1 : Nicol Vizioli – In love with her work, very raw & haunting.
#2 : Loving the vaguely 70’s feel to this with hints of witchcraft, makes me want to watch lots of 70’s horror movies!
#3 : Loy Kratong (Floating Lantern) Festival in Thailand – How beautiful! I’m adding this to my places to go / things to do before I die list…
#4 : “A mermaid found a swimming lad, Picked him for her own, Pressed her body to his body, Laughed; and plunging down, Forgot in cruel happiness, That even lovers drown…” – William Butler Yeats
#5 : Emma Montague Jaw Sunglasses – I need these! Reigniting my love for anatomy inspired fashion & objects…
#6 : Gorgeous architecture & interior design, I would love to live somewhere like this…
#7 : Too true!
#8 : The Fountain – Re-watched this for like the millionth time, one of my all time favourite movies, so inspiring & thought provoking!
#9 : Beautiful!
10 Favourite / Most Played Tracks This Week…
Click to open in Spotify : [ Playlist for 24.06.12 – 01.07.12 ]
#1 : Funeral Party / New York City Moves To The Sound Of L.A
#2 : David Bowie / Suffragette City
#3 : Wolfmother / Joker & The Theif
#4 : Aerosmith / Eat The Rich
#5 : Soundgarden / The Day I Tried To Live
#6 : Nine Inch Nails / Head Like A Hole
#7 : Gallows / Black Eyes
#8 : Queens of The Stone Age / 3’s & 7’s
#9 : Year Long Disaster / Leda Atomica
#10 : Stone Temple Pilots / Big Empty