Todd Lynn for Topshop Cropped Tux / ASOS Lilac Denim Dress / COS Belt / Topshop Lace Up Boots / Ligia Dias Chain Necklace
Last Friday was the Ballad Of Candy Pop party for the launch of the latest issue ‘Baby K’, which I have a double page spread of illustrations in! Exciting! I’m just waiting for the post man to deliver my copy, so I shall give you all a look when it arrives! We had a wonderful night & got extremely spoilt with free drinks & goodie bags packed to the brim with awesome candy pop stuff! I only wish we could have stayed a little longer & that I’d had time to get my nails done!
The theme for the night was obviously ‘Candy Pop’, I hate to not make an effort & dressing up for themed parties is one of my most favourite things, so I didn’t want to go in my usual head to toe black. My wardrobe is distinctly lacking anything at all girly, so I decided to order this lilac dress from ASOS. Of course I had to add heaps of black to balance out the girly hue though! I’m surprised how much I like it actually, I think with it being denim & the seam detailing, it keeps it from being too girly & the lilac is beautifully faded & just the right side of being greyish that it’s almost a neutral. It’s a good addition to my tiny ‘not black’ side of the wardrobe!
I bet you’re wondering why I did a shoe photo of these almost falling to pieces boots, but they are possibly one of my favourite pairs & the pair I wear most often, so I felt it was only fair! I’ve had these for years, they are easily the most comfortable shoes I own & they are my go to shoe for gigs & festivals. When I heard the party was being held at The Old Blue Last, a notorious live music venue, I knew they were the only shoes that would do. The more battered they get, the more I love them, I think I will keep wearing them until they literally drop off my feet! I’ve already started scouring eBay in the hopes another pair will be listed, so that I can have a back up pair on standby!
I’m not sure if it was the free shots, or the fact we got talking to people, but before we knew it was time to get the train home & I totally forgot to take any photos of the night! I know, I’m a rubbish blogger! Below is a little instagram round up with a few from me & the rest from the Ballad Of facebook page so you can get a little feel for the night! I’m already looking forward to the next one & I promise I wont forget next time!

the style crusader says
The jacket is pretty fierce with the short back. Love the pastel colored dress as well. xx
steph says
Wow you look great in lilac! Not too colourful at all since lilac can look quite wistful and melancholy (hope I’m using the right words) paired with dark colours.. love the detail on the sleeves too :) Congrats on the feature and can’t wait to see it on your blog!
Yep, totally get what you mean! I guess that’s why I like it, even though it’s not black, I’m always drawn to anything even slightly melancholic! :)
Helen says
Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog!!
You look great here, love the outfit!
Lovely blog, looking forward to your next post :D
Kylie says
Your outfit and photos are incredible! Big congrats on your spread, I am sure it was a party well deserved. Also if your boots have given you happy days of comfort, of course they deserve a feature ;) I actually think boots like that look better when they are roughed up a bit x
I so agree! I’m a huge fan of battered boots & converse .etc they just look weird to me when they’re pristine, they’re made for getting trashed & look so much better for it! Plus, every time I look at them I remember all the amazing gigs & festivals they’ve been to & the reason why they look that way! :)
A's Fashion Files says
Wow, that dress is just gorgeous and I love how you are wearing the thick belt in the middle!
I would love for you to visit my blog sometime!!
Fabliha Reza says
such a stunning outfit…that lilac is so perfect
alicia says
Hahaha, I have a pair of beat up shoes like that – well, I have a summer pair and a winter pair. I hate ruining good shoes at a club. I made the mistake of that in college and swore never again. We need a photo of them nails!!!
Miranda says
How exciting and looks like a lot of fun! Can’t wait to see your work in a magazine :) Congrats love!
Maria says
I love lilac and I especially love how you have toughened it up here, I tend to go very twee and girly, haha!
Maria xxx
Xixia says
Thanks for visiting my blog!
As usual, I’m loving the outfit. That lilac dress is gorgeous, and I like how you made it edgier with your other pieces. :) And those boots look great!
Congratulations on your spread!
♥ xixia
visit my new blog?: thisisxixia.com
Rena says
Love your shoes, they are adorable.
Aleksandra says
Amazing outfit !!! Like always :)
Beautiful jacket !!!
megan, tfdiaries says
love that blazer with the dress!
Xo Megan
Sonia says
Amazing outfit, loving your dress and cropped blazer!
victoria says
I’m the same at the moment I don’t feel into girl stuff. Love the silhouette of your look with that gorgeous jacket!
I bet the party was good fun. Great styling! xx