Xam / Rafel Delalande / Ariana Page Russell / Unknown / Unknown / Claudia De Sabe / Steve Vinall / Unknown (owner: Purdey Demille)
A few days ago I finally called to be put on the waiting list for my next tattoo, so these are just a few of my favourite’s & some of the inspirations for my own from my Pinterest. I guess, a little sneak peek into what to expect!
I’ve been wanting to get a new tattoo for years now, I settled on what I wanted about two years ago & have been thinking it over since, just to be sure. It’s going to be in quite a visible place (my forearm) & fairly large, so I knew I needed to give myself a while to make sure I’d still love it in decades to come, and that the meaning would still be relevant to me, unlike my first.
The first was small, but absolutely meaningless, a pretty picture, chosen off of a board in a cheap tattooists one summer holiday at 15, I guess purely to show off to my friends when I went back to school. It’s faded now & it’s bled out a lot, it was not quality work at all, though I guess what do you expect from someone willing to tattoo a 15 year old? I don’t regret it, but I do wish I’d had something custom done, something much better quality by a proper artist, or at the very least spent a little bit more time deciding.
The only doubts I’m having about the next is that it will probably encourage me to get even more, I mean, once half your arms covered why not go the whole way? I’m already dreaming of a white ink one for the next, next one…